Can i change colors in Temp View?

  • TgamesPi
    17th Nov 2019 Member 0 Permalink


    I use TPT on experimenting with various stuff and simulating real world scenarios. That have led to me thinking:

    Is there a way to change colors in temperature view? For example, if I want to see boiling water (100 C°) as pink, could I? Or it's impossible?

    Thanks in advance to replies,


  • coryman
    17th Nov 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    I know it might not be the answer you want, but IIRC there's a mod for that. I forget if it lets you set the range manually, or if it just ranges from the hottest particle to the coldest (like real thermal cameras do), but either way it should help
    EDIT: Apparently it was Jacob1's mod I was thinking of

    Edited once by coryman. Last: 17th Nov 2019
  • jacob1
    18th Nov 2019 Developer 1 Permalink
    Yes, my mod does this.

    Go into the favorites menu, click MORE, then right click the HEAT button. It will ask for a minimum and maximum temperature. This will be the new min / max, anything outside the range will be displayed as blue or pink.

    Really wish the interface to set this was better ... but it is fully functional.
  • TgamesPi
    18th Nov 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    Thanks! I will try this when I'll have time.