So, way before I played this game, there was "The Powder Game" which was... to put it lightly, much less advanced.
However, there was one thing it had that I enjoyed more and that was that it had some very cool ideas for rendering modes, one of them being the "light" mode.
In this mode, only things that emit light "like lasers, fire, lava, fireworks" actually created light, which caused the environment in a small radius around to actually show.
I wonder if this rendering could be implemented into TPT as well, making it useful for stickman puzzles and for scenario creators, like for example a mech shooting a gun at night which then only reveals the monster upon hitting it.
Let me know what you guys think.
Fun idea. Nobody has touched the graphics code for ages but I think adding a new rendering flag to elements (like PMODE_BLUR) and a new rendering mode that illuminates the environment (i.e. sets bits in an alpha buffer or something) in a certain radius around elements with that flag should be possible. No clue about performance though.
I'll play a bit with this myself once I have enough time (which I won't for about a month). If in the meantime anyone feels like trying their hand at it, it would be nice to see the results here.
Actually i tried a similar thing recently and it looked like a retro rpg.
Not exactly same as what Ben_Ger wants but pretty close.
I can share the screenshot if you want to see.
I would love seeing that tested. Sadly I dont know how the rendering works, so no idea about performance.