something to transfer properties

  • chyzman
    14th May 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    Is there a way to change the temp of something like pump like you can do with filt and hswc?

  • XGEM_Gaming
    14th May 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    The PROP tool is great for that. If you look in tools, there should be a 'PROP' element near the sign tool.

    Click that, then click the 'type' box and choose temp. Then type in the temp you want in the number box below that,

    hit OK, and draw over the pump you want to set the temp on.

  • jacob2
    14th May 2019 Member 0 Permalink
    If you mean the serialization feature that HSWC has, it already works with PUMP too.

    TSNS -> FILT -> HSWC

    PSNS -> FILT -> PUMP

    Iirc you set the .TMP of these things to 1, the first element reads the temp or pressure of nearby things, writes it into a line of FILT, then the other end can read it back
  • chyzman
    15th May 2019 Member 0 Permalink
