Command Signs

  • erictom333
    8th Nov 2018 Member 2 Permalink

    Some people have been suggesting a paritcle that, when sparked, executes a console command. Problem: How will it know what command to use without massive lag?

    My answer: Use signs! They are formatted like:

    {exe:set type fire none}

    and show up as

    set type fire none

    in pink text. When they are sparked, the command is executed. 

  • 0sprey
    15th Nov 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    Yeah this is a great idea 

  • jacob1
    16th Nov 2018 Developer 0 Permalink
    This is a rejected element:
    (further reading linked inside the wiki there)

    We don't want to add anything to the game that can run console commands or change arbitrary properties of elements. It exposes mechanics such as tmp / tmp2 too much and prevents us from changing things with how elements work without breaking saves.

    Also, it would make the game much more complex, users would have to understand the properties of all the elements to understand saves that use command signs, or make new ones.