Unable to clean compile no matter what

  • Rjonesy
    17th Sep 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    I'm using vs2017 and the premade project, I've also tried the manual setup but it produces the same result, everything has its folders setup together in the master folder and vs is pointing to those files, the premade project files are also in the master. I've tried putting the libs straight into the source folder, where vs doesn't include the folder structure no success, and setting up the file structure manually inside the source folder and moving files into respective folders, and they are also stored in the master with vs pointing to them, none of that fixed the issue of multiple errors saying it can't find file at path, even though the path %100 does exist and so does the file. I've tried running generator.py many many times but the vs errors still tell me it can't find anything run the generator again or make sure I've extracted the libs. I'm absolutely lost, I'm not even sure what info about this problem is relevant so just ask if there is something specific you need to know, all the errors say the same thing just for different files, half of it successfully compiles but that's it. I don't even want to make mods for this game I just want to change the WiFi temperature channel increment from 100 to 10, nothing else, but I've been trying for 2 days to do a clean compile and zero success, I've read and followed the tpt++ wiki to the letter, I really really don't want scons or any other software just to change a single value, I've also got all the nessasary vs components, can someone please help me out.

  • LBPHacker
    17th Sep 2018 Developer 1 Permalink

    As far as I know the VS project and tutorial are quite broken right now.


    If I were you I'd hack the executable with a hexeditor. I might try doing that myself. Okay ignore that, unfortunately changing the increment means having more channels which means a bigger channels array whose size depends on the CHANNELS macro. I was thinking of hacking the divide by 100 part of the code but it's not that simple.

    Edited once by LBPHacker. Last: 17th Sep 2018
  • Rjonesy
    17th Sep 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    Damn that sucks to hear, ah well thanks for letting me know

  • jacob1
    17th Sep 2018 Developer 0 Permalink
    Can you post the exact error message? You say some files are missing and some files have compile errors, I just need to know what those are. You can use a pastebin site like bpaste.net or pastebin.com
  • Rjonesy
    17th Sep 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    No worries, I'll set it back up again and paste the results when I'm done, from memory though a good %90 of errors stated they couldn't include the generated files because the path or file does not exist download python and run the generator, but I ran it multiple times and also manually pointed vs to the files it couldn't find but produced the same results

  • jacob1
    17th Sep 2018 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Rjonesy (View Post)
    It's probably some simple configuration error somewhere. Maybe I'll have to update the project. Probably easy to fix.
  • Rjonesy
    17th Sep 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    Alright so the errors are purely about missing the generated cpp files now, i reckon ive just introduced other errors trying to fix something that wasnt broken, now everything on the vs side seems fine, only problem is I can't get the generator to output any files, I assumed it did before but i realised i was just pointing vs towards files that only contained the error message I've been seeing but no code, I'm running generator.py on python 3.6, the terminal opens and closes as expected, and has full permission to write, all the lib folders are in the same path as the generator and source folders aswell if that's relevant. I really wouldn't stress too much about it man its got to be my fault I'm terrible with this stuff

  • jacob2
    17th Sep 2018 Member 0 Permalink
    @Rjonesy (View Post)
    Try opening a console window in the directory containing generator.py. (if you don't know how to do this. It's the cd (change directory) command, or I think you can drag the path from windows explorer onto the console window)

    Then run generator.py. it will stay open, so you'll be able to see the error message. You might need to goce the full psth to python when running the command

    If it still doesn't work, I will upload copies of the generated files when I get home. I really don't like generator.py ...
  • Rjonesy
    17th Sep 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    Really weird but it refused to stay open, even python generator.py pause in the directory results in python opening and closing immediately


    EDIT/ gave up and went to sleep after I just could not get those files to generate, left my PC on overnight with the project open and went to my course the next day, came home had a nap and bam didn't do anything but turn on the monitor and the headers and cpp files were there with vs telling me about externally changed files, no idea what the issue was or why generator spat the files out a day late(genuinely interested to know if anyone has any ideas?, certainly shouldn't be my pc specs but you never know I guess, also the PC is crystal clean software and hardware wise), but at least the files are there now and rayt.cpp is the only error left to fix, cheers for the help fellas sorry this was such a strange issue

    Edited once by Rjonesy. Last: 18th Sep 2018