• Ben_Ger
    28th Aug 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    So, I messed about again (I really dont do much else...)

    and... I am not sure if this is a bug, a feature, or both.

    If you place Diesel into an environment saturated with Hydrogen under high (50+) pressure, some of the Diesel combusts due to pressure. The rest of the Diesel forms oil and water.

    Now, I am aware that carbohydrates, when burning, release watervapor as one of their products, so maybe this is intentional? Whichever the case, if someone like jacob1 could tell me if I found another bug I would be very happy. (And people, please dont be angry with me if this is common knowledge.)

  • jacob2
    28th Aug 2018 Member 0 Permalink
    This is intended. It is listed in the wiki:

    Whoever created this reaction didn't consider that desl combusts under pressure. We left the reaction in because it is interesting. People have made machines to cause this reaction without the desl combusting
  • Ben_Ger
    28th Aug 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob2 (View Post)

     I see. I guess they also didnt consider that hydrogen doesnt burn above 50 pressure, making this remarkably nonflammable

  • jacob2
    28th Aug 2018 Member 0 Permalink
    @Ben_Ger (View Post)
    Well, I'm the one that added that HYGN restriction. It happened later and is there to support fusion.
  • LBPHacker
    29th Aug 2018 Developer 0 Permalink

    Just adding my two cents.