I heard that jacob1 released an snapshot server. I wanted to test the snapshots because i wanted to see the new stuff
I put the stamps along with the .def file in a folder i created called (obvious.. its stamps)
But i feared that they might get corrupted/damaged in some sort of way when i wanted to put them back into the original folder. (TPT Official Build 93.3) , So i decided to not put them back into the other folder and just leave them in where they are.
So the question remains: Is it possible to "MIGRATE" stamps..
You should pm a mod/dev about this. I am not a dev/mod, just giving some advice.
So i just move the Powder.exe file into the same folder? Ahh.. Thanks a lot! BTW I wanna suggest a element. "SPACE", you know space is a vacuum right? i want to see space stuff like i put a wall between a save, one half is normal air, one half is space, in the normal half i put a stickman, then i delete the wall for the stickman to fit in, THEN the stickman gets sucked into the space half. I also think that it might be difficult to script, just suggesting