I have an idea of good element names Group. This element used for editing and making groups of elemen. For example(F.e.) you can draw solid circle and set it in one groupe. Than you can edit this group, make this group physical(solid pixels can collide with another). If developers of The Poweder Toy make this element in TPT than you can make better saves. F.e. you can make people with organs using group element or pin-pong using solid(hmmm good idea!).This element can be in tools section.This element can move solid!But i know it isn't easy to meke it usilg lua, but it will be very good! Sorry for my mistakes, i know English bad :( PLEASE DEVELOPERS OF THE POWEDER TOY MAKE IT ELEMENT IN THIS SUPER GAME!
You should use the feedback section for posting stuff like this.This is development section.Also moving solids not allowed.