Weird portal behavior...

  • SuperJoshiDuff
    28th Mar 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    So... in jacobs1 mod i am building a rocket. Im using portals to transport the fuel. When i start up the engine it works fine for 10 seconds but then the portal just stops tranporting things. Im not very sure if this is a bug because portal can act weird at times. Any fix?



  • jacob1
    28th Mar 2018 Developer 1 Permalink
    Can you post a save or something? Portals seem to work fine for me. I also tried PIPE to portal.

    I did recently change a bunch of stuff related to this, which caused some bugs.
  • SuperJoshiDuff
    28th Mar 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     here is the save id for it: 2265139