Game of Life. Created by John Conway. A lot of life forms, known forms, are already in TPT, but there is a piece missing. A big piece is missing. Now, said piece may be too time consuming to add in, but this is the feedback forum, so I'll suggest it.
On bitstorm . org / gameoflife
You can place pixel by pixel to create your own life form. My suggestion is the addition of such a concept. A life drawing tool where you can follow the guidelines on bitstorm or wikipedia and make your own life form. With all the artists and GoL users on TPT, I know they'd have a field day drawing out a life form and seeing what becomes of it.
To make it more simple, the colour of the Life Drawing Tool is white. Once your life form is drawn out, just colour it with the deco tool.
@jacob1 I have read the rules about life and the rules on suggestions, but since people have flooded this forum with magnet suggestions, which are also prohibited by the rules, I figure I may as well try this. Ya know, since it IS GoL.
On bitstorrm, it allows you to draw out your own life form, pixel by pixel. The life form then has a specific way it reacts.
"For a space that is 'populated':Each cell with one or no neighbors dies, as if by solitude.Each cell with four or more neighbors dies, as if by overpopulation.Each cell with two or three neighbors survives.For a space that is 'empty' or 'unpopulated'Each cell with three neighbors becomes populated."
Isn't that already implemented?
You can draw many types of LIFE, and every type works differently.
What exactly do you mean?