TPT BSoD/Stop error

  • TITANICiceberg50
    10th Jan 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    Hello jacob1 or whoevers here, some time ago i got a TP BSoD. | PS: It was Random!!!


    Sry, cant fine img.


    It said:









    I did go into Powder Pref befor TPTBSoD thoh but all i did was set undo lmit to 10, nothing that harm code. 


    Is that the resen it happen??






    PS: Sry for bad spelling, i have a spelling disbele.

    Edited 2 times by TITANICiceberg50. Last: 10th Jan 2018
  • jacob1
    10th Jan 2018 Developer 1 Permalink
    Setting undo limit to 10 is fine and should not cause issues. Changing that preference is actually encouraged, eventually it will be a menu option.

    Can you tell me what you were doing when it happened? Did you have a specific save open? Was it some key shortcut you pressed that caused it? Or using an element?
  • TITANICiceberg50
    10th Jan 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    It was some regale key shortcut, one that shlud not have did it but did. (sry for spelling!)


    PS: i mite have been purssing F5 and R and some random keys trying to reset lagy playwindow without butten {F keys litte diffre on my laptop so F5 dont work}


    PS: Or (most likey) working on logo\flyer orb and prussing Z {thats undo} and the TPT BSoD came up.


    Or it mite had been the two combined {}! help sry i did not mean to copy that post editer geting messt up


    PS: TPT BSoD was also whin propre tool was set to invalld text in pref now i got to go to bed NOW




    Iiiiiiii got to go to bed ill read tomaro

    Edited 8 times by TITANICiceberg50. Last: 10th Jan 2018
  • jacob1
    10th Jan 2018 Developer 0 Permalink
    @TITANICiceberg50 (View Post)
    Hmm, probably something to do with save loading then. If you can get exact steps to reproduce it, then just post here later. It's probably going to be hard to find though. Hopefully it just doesn't happen again.

    About the PROP issue, can you tell me exactly what property you are setting and exactly what value you are trying to set to? It should just ignore invalid stuff. If it crashes that is an issue and I want to fix it.
  • TITANICiceberg50
    10th Jan 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    Ok. I will try to fine it. also, afor the biue screen of TPT i did set it back to regalr and it didnt happen agen that one thing i remeber.


    changing vale to invald thing to see if TPT BDoD happens agen but


    do not remeber azac vale sill tsteing


    1 horh no chast ending tste


    PS: WHAT THE FREAK!! i wAs CloZiNg ThE gAmE aNd I gOt ThE sAmE eRRoR!


    it dosz not happen when porpre is vald


    it seems that afder a while with a invald text it will error out if you try to clost it


    Edited 7 times by TITANICiceberg50. Last: 10th Jan 2018