Hello jacob1 or whoevers here, some time ago i got a TP BSoD. | PS: It was Random!!!
Sry, cant fine img.
It said:
I did go into Powder Pref befor TPTBSoD thoh but all i did was set undo lmit to 10, nothing that harm code.
Is that the resen it happen??
PS: Sry for bad spelling, i have a spelling disbele.
It was some regale key shortcut, one that shlud not have did it but did. (sry for spelling!)
PS: i mite have been purssing F5 and R and some random keys trying to reset lagy playwindow without butten {F keys litte diffre on my laptop so F5 dont work}
PS: Or (most likey) working on logo\flyer orb and prussing Z {thats undo} and the TPT BSoD came up.
Or it mite had been the two combined {}! help sry i did not mean to copy that post editer geting messt up
PS: TPT BSoD was also whin propre tool was set to invalld text in pref now i got to go to bed NOW
Iiiiiiii got to go to bed ill read tomaro
Ok. I will try to fine it. also, afor the biue screen of TPT i did set it back to regalr and it didnt happen agen that one thing i remeber.
changing vale to invald thing to see if TPT BDoD happens agen but
do not remeber azac vale sill tsteing
1 horh no chast ending tste
PS: WHAT THE FREAK!! i wAs CloZiNg ThE gAmE aNd I gOt ThE sAmE eRRoR!
it dosz not happen when porpre is vald
it seems that afder a while with a invald text it will error out if you try to clost it