@Videogamer555 (View Post)
enter tpt.record(true) in the console. The confirmation box still shows up.
The usual shortcut was removed i think because people would press the R button by accident and use up lots of space on their hard drive (though i dunno how they would 'accidentally' click Confirm when the box pops up)
@Videogamer555 (View Post)
There is no reason for the 'r' shortcut to stay. If you really need it though, you could write a short Lua script to add it back. I would write one, but on a phone right now ...
If you test tpt.record, you will see that the frame count issue was resolved when I did the recording rewrites. Each recording goes into a separate dated folder. tpt.record will return the name of the folder.
@Videogamer555 (View Post)
Very interesting. What kind of analysis? Are you detecting the elements by pixel?
Basically the reason I removed it is because I figured the output was unusable without a script to fix it up for you. Especially because of that frame bug where it wouldn't reset the counter. Seems like you were also using some software you wrote to use the files.