I want to make a pipe manually, and I followed the Wiki's instructions, but It did not work. How do I do this?
Oh. It was the first... And I. Don't. Know how to use PROP.
EDIT: Off topic, but are STKM supposed to move powders around on contact?
EDIT2: Also to make a black hole, how many layers of particles in one pixel are needed?
No, I'm gonna link my save so you know what I mean.
EDIT: Also I can't stack elements? I want to stack 2 for a creeper.
No, I'm gonna link my save so you know what I mean.
2182397View Save 2182397
EDIT: Also I can't stack elements? I want to stack 2 for a creeper.
!set x element xcord
!set y element ycord
EDIT: My stkm won't spark metal. Do stkm spark normal metal, or BMTL?