Hey people, I'm kinda new to powder toy so I hope you'll be able to help me by answering this noobish question. I heard that it is possible to save, upload and browse other players' creations ingame, but I have no idea how to. I've googled many times but got no results :(. Many people say you have to click a "open" or "save" button but i really have no idea where exactly it is. Can anyone please tell me how to do this and maybe provide screenshots? Thank you.
I'm using Mac OSX, just to let you guys know :)
Ohhhhh I kind of get it now. The issue was caused by the double screen option @ https://pasteboard.co/GHh9ace.jpg
Apparently my dock was blocking the options :3
I tried to change it back to the default option by deleting the powder.pref file and clicked cancel and was able to see the options. The window was kinda too small though. @ https://pasteboard.co/GHh9EnE.jpg
So the final option for me was to hide my dock @ https://pasteboard.co/GHha8QyQ.jpg
Annnnd I found the "hidden" options :D
Thanks a lot for your help, but I would like to make a suggestion. Can the devs make it possible to resize the window of The Powder Toy so we can resize it to our liking? I really like having my dock shown all the time so this is kind of an issue to me. Or maybe make it such that the dock gets hidden when the app opens? I've tried fullscreen mode but it doesnt work cause the option is greyed out for me (tpt.setwindowsize(1,1) is kinda troublesome cause it blocks out the other interfaces for my mac and I have to quit the app to do other things on my computer). Thank you very much for all your help & advice :D