I enjoy experimenting with TPT A LOT. It is really great but I ran into a problem when I tried to change some elements in the console.
I can't seem to find any information on how to change the hightemperature in the console exactly.
I tried this: "tpt.el.ignc.hightemperature = 1000.0"
result in "console:1: Invalid property"
What am I doing wrong ?
Is there any documentation on ALL console commands? (also the advanced ones)
The "advanced" ones are LUA commands
And the wiki has a list of some of them: https://powdertoy.co.uk/Wiki/W/Powder_Toy_Lua_API.html (Elements > elements.element)
Also it's tpt.el.ignc.hightemperaturetransition (I think)
@Emperor_Bowserinator (View Post)
The information in the links is completely useless for the console since the commands don't work.
"Also it's tpt.el.ignc.hightemperaturetransition (I think)".....Nope not working either
I got it to work!
Thanks A LOT!
TPT is very cool. One of the best simulations on the internet(I have tried many)
I made my first element script. It is basically compacted gunpowder (slower burning) that can be used for firework rocket engines. Works well.
The Script Manager is REALLY helpful btw! (Should be added to TPT I think)