Changing up categories

  • Breaker4life
    14th Sep 2016 Member 1 Permalink

    Right now, everything is out of whack. You have solids in other places and not where they really should be. Metal and tungsten should be in solids. Antimatter should be in gases. Honestly, I can just take some hours out of my long day to write up a way I believe the categories should be arranged and where certain things should be. 

  • DanielGalrito
    14th Sep 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    How are Metal and tungsten in wrong category? Their main use is conduct electricity.

  • cxi
    14th Sep 2016 Banned 1 Permalink
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  • TPT_PL
    14th Sep 2016 Member 0 Permalink
    @cxi (View Post)
    I like this idea, sadly devs do not take many requests.
    Ecentually the requesting guy should know C.
  • cxi
    14th Sep 2016 Banned 0 Permalink
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    Edited once by cxi. Last: 14th Sep 2016
  • Breaker4life
    14th Sep 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    @cxi (View Post)


    What you have

    Electronics – Dray, Tung, Cray, Wwld, Emp, Aray, Wifi, Inst, Tesc, Inwr, Swch, Btry, Etrd, Ptct, Ntct, Insl, Nscn, Pscn, Sprk, Metl

    Powered Materials – Ppip, Gpmp, Pbcn, Pump, Pvod, Stor, Dlay, Hswc, Pcln, Lcry

    Sensors – Psns, Tsns, Dtec, Invs

    Force – Frme, Pstn, Dmg, Rpel, Fray, Gbmb, Dcel, Acel, Pipe

    Explosives – Ignc, Tnt, C-5, Bomb, Fwrk, Dest, Ligh, Fsep, Fuse, Firw, Cflm, Thrm, Thdr, Lrbd, Rbdm, C-4, Nitr, Gun, Fire

    Gases – Hygn, Boyl, Fog, Caus, Co2, Oxyg, Smke, Nble, Plsm, Wtrv, Gas

    Liquids – Virs, Merc, Soap, Gel, Pste, Bizr, Bubw, Glow, Loxy, Desl, Ln2, Mwax, Sltw, Dstw, Acid, Lava, Oil, Watr

    Powders – Clst, Brel, Pqrt, Anar, Grav, Frzz, Bcol, Yest, Bgla, Sand, Brmt, Salt, Cnct, Snow, Stne, Dust

    Solids – Crmc, Gold, Ttan, Qrtz, Filt, Shld, Vine, Rime, Spng, Dric, Iron, Brck, Coal, Nice, Glas, Wax, Bmtl, Plnt, Wood, Ice, Goo

    Radioactive – Grvt, Prot, Bvbr, Vibr, Exot, Elec, Sing, Iszs, Isoz, Warp, Deut, Amtr, Uran, Phot, Plut, Neut

    Special – Figh, Whol, Bhol, Tron, Stk2, Prto, Prti, Bcln, Conv, Stkm, Vent, Vacu, Dmnd, Void, Clne


    What I believe it should be to follow the category format. Some will stay just because of category names, but others will change because of category names.

    Electronics – Sprk, Dray, Cray, Wwld, Aray, Wifi, Emp, Inst, Tesc, Inwr, Swch, Btry, Etrd, Ptct, Ntct, Nscn, Pscn.

    Powered Materials – Ppip, Gpmp, Pbcn, Pvod, Stor, Dlay, Hswc, Pcln, Lcry, Pump, Frme, Pstn

    Sensors – Psns, Tsns, Dtec, Invs

    Force – Dmg, Rpel, Fray, Dcel, Acel, Pipe, Whol, Vent

    Explosives – Gbmb, Ignc, Tnt, C-5, Bomb, Fwrk, Dest, Light, Fuse, Firw, Thrm, Rbdm, C-4, Nitr, Gun

    Gases – Cflm, Fire, Hygn, Boyl, Fog, Caus, Co2, Oxyg, Smke, Nble, Plsm, Wtrv, Gas, Amtr

    Liquids – Lrbd, Virs, Merce, Soap, Gel, Pste, Bizr, Bubw, Glow, Loxy, Desl, Ln2, Mwax, Sltw, Dstw, Acid, Lava, Oil, Watr

    Powders – Fsep, Clst, Brel, Pqrt, Anar, Grav, Frzz, Bcol, Yest, Bgla, Sand, Brmt, Salt, Cnct, Snow, Stne, Dust, Bvbr

    Solids – Tung, Insl, Metl, Crmc, Gold, Ttan, Qrtz, Shld, Vine, Rime, Spng, Dric, Iron, Brck, Coal, Nice, Glas, Wax, Bmtl, Plnt, Wood, Ice, Goo, Dmnd

    Radioactive – Grvt, Prot, Vibr, Exot, Elec, Sing, Isoz, Deut, Uran, Phot, Plut, Neut

    Special – Filt, Figh, Bhol, Tron, Stk2, Prto, Prti, Bcln, Conv, Stkm, Vacu, Void, Clne, Warp

  • jacob2
    14th Sep 2016 Member 0 Permalink
    Can you give a clearer list of what should be moved where?

    We change menusections sometimes, a lot of them don't make too much sense. Another thing to consider is scrolling menus. We don't want those very often.
  • Breaker4life
    14th Sep 2016 Member 0 Permalink


    Can you give a clearer list of what should be moved where?

    That'd... take a while. I'll try to tomorrow


  • edr-01
    15th Sep 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    I created a lua script that moves TUNG, METL, DMND and INSL to solids, FIRE and CFLM to gases. WHOL, BHOL and GRVT to Force. Here's the code if someone want use it:


    -- Move elements
    for k,v in pairs(tpt.el) do = 1
    end, "MenuSection", elem.SC_SOLIDS), "MenuSection", elem.SC_SOLIDS), "MenuSection", elem.SC_SOLIDS), "MenuSection", elem.SC_SOLIDS), "MenuSection", elem.SC_GAS), "MenuSection", elem.SC_GAS), "MenuSection", elem.SC_FORCE), "MenuSection", elem.SC_FORCE), "MenuSection", elem.SC_FORCE)

    It's really easy make scripts like this.


    P.S: @Breaker4life (View Post)

    I don't know why did you put AMTR in gases. The gaseous AMTR was a glitch. Was cool though.

    Edited 2 times by edr-01. Last: 25th Sep 2016
  • techyman305
    15th Sep 2016 Member 1 Permalink

    I think it would be a good idea to fix up the menus a bit. Could I suggest that DLAY be moved into the electronics menu, since it's more of an electrical component rather than a powered material? Also, I would suggest to keep PSTN and FRME in the Force menu, since its nice to have them together and FRME isn't a powered material. Besides that, I think all the previous suggestions are good, and as edr-01 just showed us, it wouldn't be difficult, just a bit time consuming.