AIST idea

  • Breaker4life
    12th Sep 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Artificially Intelligent Stickman. What I mean is a stickman that follows the prinicples of a stickman you manually control with the arrow keys, but has its own mind. Fighters is an accurate representation of what I mean, but fighters are also stupid. Their main goal is to follow your manually controlled stickman to try and kill it. They're suicidal. 


    Basically, AIST knows not to go near anything capable of ending its life. It also has a sensing range around its body that detects anything negative to its health. Drop acid or lava on it, the AIST moves away from the bad source. 


    Also, the AIST CAN be controlled, but not by regular means. When someone created a level, say a stickman maze, they can program the AIST to get through the maze. By, possibly, right clicking the stickman, you bring up its control panel. In the control panel, you manually put in how the stickman moves, one block per click, or however many blocks you type in (only number). Nothing easy. In a little box, you click whatever arrow key on your keyboard for whatever you want to stickman to do. 


    There are two boxes in the cotrol panel off right clicking its head. One box controls what arrow key is used. Right to look right, left to look left, down to fire its pre-selected element, and up to jump. The second box, the box on the right, controls its movement or firing/jumping range (max of ten pixels). Once you've typed in what you want for both boxes, click enter. The stickman then has the entered in codes saved to its memory. Now you can manually type in more commands for the stickman to follow. Once the user is done with the AIST, he can save his level. 


    The viewers of the level cannot control the AIST. They can only watch the stickman navigate through its maze. 


    Amazingly enough, with this idea, you can make the AIST fight the fighters that want to kill it. 


    -Also, if this is ever implemented in the game, you can update it so the stickman can actually control machines-

  • cxi
    12th Sep 2016 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
    Edited once by cxi. Last: 12th Sep 2016
  • Breaker4life
    13th Sep 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    @cxi (View Post)

     The "stickmen related" part is about ideas that are reoccuring. Health, guns, food. What I have given out is related to none of these and is allowed to be here. 

  • jacob1
    13th Sep 2016 Developer 1 Permalink
    @Breaker4life (View Post)
    I would say this is stickmen-related enough, it is definitely not something we ever want to do. Too much effort for little gain and also then a ton of posts complaining about bugs with the feature or suggestions for additions to the feature.

    (so uh, rejected)
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