i've seen some nice poder toy projects, i want to make something neat, but idk how to make things so perfect to match each other and so tiny. how do you people do it??
all i know is making a square is with ctrl, and a line with shift.
Press "z" to zoom. Use the scroll wheel to change the cursor size. Press "g" to turn on and toggle size of the grid. Press "s" to and highlight an area to save it as a stamp. Press "l" to load the most recent stamps. Press "k" to show all stamps. Press "f" to progress the particle interactions frame by frame. Hold CTRL and drag over an area to create a block. Hold Shift+CTRL and click to fill a space. Hold shift and drag to draw a line. Hold ALT and click on a particle to set it as the current element you're drawing with. Also, read up on elements and what they do for a better idea.
P.S. Your grammar and spelling makes me want to blow my brains out. Learn to capitalize, spell check, and use proper grammar.