So a while back I started this thread about TPT waiting for xdg-open to finish in Development because I thought this was something not only I'd had. The gist of it is that TPT freezes while xdg-open runs the browser, which means that, with firefox and chromium-browser at least, it either returns instantly if there's a browser session already running, or freezes until the newly created browser session shuts down.
Back then I realised that apparently jacob1 had no problems opening threads from TPT, so I thought it was just something acting up on my side and decided to ignore it. I already knew that if I had a browser open, it wouldn't freeze, so I just rolled with that and have been rolling with it since then.
I forgot to "prepare" a browser session today and TPT froze again, which reminded me of this problem, and now I'd like to ask ... what might cause this? I thought it was because TPT ran xdg-open synchronously, but seeing as jacob1's TPT doesn't freeze, that's unlikely.