
  • Breaker4life
    11th Aug 2016 Member 1 Permalink

    Now, it's like 3-Dimensional creations, but it's not. Basically, the saves of right now are made in the middleground. Yes, i know you can stack things on top of each other, but that's inconsistent. That's infinite and really unreliable. No, imagine making your save in the background. 


    EX: Making a phone requires a metal body, then hardwware, then glass screen. Not so easy to make in the game since it's all separately connected and completely viewable. With the background, you can make the metal backing and a camera hole, because why not. Then with a little coding, or "ctrl" + g + d", you can change the grounds of which you play. Now you're in the middle ground and you can create the internals of the device. Then "ctrl" + g + d" to enter the foreground where you place the glass. 


    Yes, we'd probably need a few more elements in the game to make a "working" phone. But just make a gameboy. Make the metal body with the internals so you can play the game without seeing its internals. 


    Yes, connecter pieces would be needed when "stacking" background, foreground, and middleground items. I have no idea what you'd need to have when making connecting pieces between grounds. Also, where you have the upper right sidebar is where the option to switch grounds is placed. Put is as GD, and when hovering over it, it says grounds. Also, it'll go in order first. So when you're playing the game, you're immediately building in the background. Click the GD option to play in the middle ground. Do the same to play in the foreground. Whenever you load a new save, click on the GD option to see the background, with which the middle and foregrounds grey out and become almost invisible. 


    Imagine playing a stickman game where you can only see the obsticles and not what's powering them? Or you see the shell of the gun and not it's internals? Or the shell of a phone, computer, or calculator and not what powers it? Also, give the option where you caan disable the GD option of people who vieww your save so they cannot see how you made your save. 

    Edited once by Breaker4life. Last: 10th Aug 2016
  • Sylvi
    11th Aug 2016 Moderator 1 Permalink
    Edited once by Lockheedmartin. Last: 10th Aug 2016
  • jacob1
    11th Aug 2016 Developer 4 Permalink
    Not even just performance. This would take a lot of effort to do properly. We currently can't have multiple simulations running at once. That is what would be required here, two separate simulations (like two TPT windows).

    Programming isn't as easy as it seems. There are lots of great ideas that would require rewriting practically half the game. It's not as easy as doing an hour of work and suddenly you have this feature. Maybe you should try to determine the amount of effort required to make such major changes before suggesting things.
  • Breaker4life
    11th Aug 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     I don't randomly make suggestions without knowing full well the insane amount of work needed to make the suggestion happen. You, cxi, and almost everyone else think I don't know of the tedious process to even fix a bug. I was an admin to a website and had to frequently find a fix bugs. It's a horrible thing to do. Countless hours of searching and rewriting, then finding more mistakes a "fix" creates. 


    I'm not expecting you guys to sell your souls to make magic happen. This is a suggestions forum to post game suggestions. Yes, I'm a bit of an airhead who doesn't look things up before posting, but other people keep posting about refrigerant even when it was denied immediately, so it doesn't really hurt to try again if the last man to try it wasn't put down immediately. 

  • jacob1
    11th Aug 2016 Developer 4 Permalink
    @Breaker4life (View Post)
    I don't mind repeated suggestions too much, we've added "rejected" stuff before. This suggestion is just way out of the possibility range.

    Also bugs are pretty easy to fix unless there is some inherent problem. For example this website ... the code is terrible. Some bugs are hard to fix ):, others are easy.
  • Breaker4life
    11th Aug 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     Well, the website I fixed bugs on is called I quit after my boss quit. The asshole of a guy decided to update the site every damn month, so before I could fix the bugs on an update, he updates again and all my fixes are blown to hell. No more coding for me, even if it'd be for myself. Too many bugs, too little me. 


    It's not exactly out of possibility range. It's completely possible. My old boss could very well do it, but not everyone here has the necessary cpu foor such a drastic improvement/addition. 

  • PortalPlayer
    11th Aug 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    I think the main problem here isn't so much the difficulty of implementation, but how much more CPU intensive it would have to be.

  • tptquantum
    11th Aug 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Use layering.

  • Sandwichlizard
    11th Aug 2016 Member 1 Permalink

    layering is unsupported and not reliable.  it can go away in any update.


    I believe TPT runs on a single core.  With multicore processors could we not get mor performance?  all software that improves over time has to deal with backwards compatability.  eventually you just have to say "oh well" to those who are not upgrading there tech.  there comes a time when moving forward is more important than backwards compatability.  I ultimately have thrown away software that just would not run on new computers.  that is because computer manufacturers said "oh well".  Evolve or go extinct.  I wonder how many people are playing on a pc with single core processors.  I dont even have a running computer with a single core.  The stores are about done shlocking off old stock with "good deals"  multicore will be the only new pc's very soon.  and most single cores in the world are near death.  Consider it.  I am just making an observation.  I have no idea how feasable it would be.

  • fatboy2
    11th Aug 2016 Member 1 Permalink

    Removing layering from TPT would break many cool saves.