This is a run off of a "3D" Powder Toy, but modified in such a way so that it could be possible.
This idea will add two "layers" to PT.
The first layer will be under the current PT sim. This layer will only calculate things like electricity. It will not simulate temperature, pressure, gravity. This layer would be used to connect components located in the first layer.
Why I think this would work: - By cutting out many of the calculations, the addition of this layer really would add very little lag. - Many electronic makers find they just can not fit the wires in their save. - Allow the making of more complex electronics and the separation of reaction chambers from the delicate wires and circuits.
In order to work, two additional elements need to be added. TE1 - Transfers electricity from the first layer to the second and vis versa. It would work simply by sending a spark to the same coordinated on the other layer. The other element is a wall that does the same thing. I do not think either of these would be very difficult
The second layer would be on top of the current simulation, and would be primarily for GUIs. There would be no simulation in this window, therefore it should generate 0 lag. Of course, if you fill the entire layer with particles, It may create some lag, but still relatively little as it makes no calculations.
To toggle between these two layers, three icons would be added to the side that represent layer 1 (electronics layer), 2 (current layer), and 3 (GUI layer)
Please note, the visuals of layer one and two are not showing at the same time.
To compare what this would be like in the real work, it would amount to a double sided circuit board with silk screen on top.
Tell me what you guys think!
NOTE: As far as lag goes, yea it would be possible for somebody to make the first layer and second layer a lag monster, but that is their choice. Using the layer correctly will not amount to much lag. Besides, it is already possible to crash PT by doing a screen full of alternating METL and empty pixels, then sparking it.
@TheCeilingCat All out 3D has been rejected. The GUI bit was actually suggested a while back, and got positive feedback.
The main reason 3D was rejected was lag and the coding requirements. This new layer will only do a fraction of the calculations the main layer does, therefore little lag. When there is no electricity running through it, it would generate virtually no lag.
The concept of layers has been suggested, and rejected, a lot. I don't really support this though, as although it has no extra calculations unless there's a way to switch between them in saves then what's the point?
to connect electrical components with no visible wiring, with these layers, all wires shouldnt conduct from layer to layer, only one should, that wire would also conduct to all conductors.