Realistically, no one wants to play 3d powder toy with 3d movie glasses. That's a waste of time. Why not, even as a mod, someone can make an xyz plane? You'd have yz, xy, and xz.
That's the kind of 3-Dimensional game we actually want. Yes, changing the xy plane we have now to an xyz plane will be extremely difficult. Hell, make some money. Create a duplicate TPT with an xyz plane and sell it for $5. Make it available for all but cash pay. Image the 3-D computers people can make. The 3-D cities and and seismic graphs. The 3-D bombs and bomb testers. The 3-D bunkers. Yes, it's probably take upwards of ten times the original time to make a 3-D computer over a 2-D computer. Navigation would also be quite easey. Take away the right click option and replace it with a mouse drag. And honestly, a payed TPT will make it easier to get better coding. It'd also make working for TPT a better thing, and modders for it can also get paid to have their mods placed in the game.
Also, if this idea comes to fruition, then it'd have to starts at square one like 2-D TPT did.
First off, the only way a 3-D TPT will come to fruition is if the creators, simon and the others, are being paid for their efforts. I.E., paying for it when it comes out. Money makes everything easier to do. Why, money is motivation.
I did not underestimate anything at all. I know the disadvantages being time and motivation. Motivation is the money you could potentially get out of it. Time is not such a trade. Unbeknownst to many, an xyz TPT will cost money to not just make, but buy it to actually create it. All-in-all, probably a $20 game to buy once completed. 3-D modelling programs are royally expensive. Yes, no offense to you guys, you probably don't have the experience in coding to make an xyz frame. Hell, you'd need some serious lua scripting, or a new scripting tool in general. It may be a pipe dream now, but who knows what people can crank up.
Anyway, as The Powder Toy is the progeny of The Powder Game, the next, 3-D and not 2-D, could be called The Powder Replica.
3D sandbox game? Well, go play MC.
I really hope you're joking. The Powder Toy is a more advanced game. It's not simple in nature.
The physics engine alone would have to be built from scratch in order to get a 3D version of Powder Toy to wrok properly. It would have to take a team of strong developers six months to a year to even get a working beta of it released. That doesnt include having it greenlighted for steam, put on the app store, etc. THe cost of making such a game would by far be more than the amount of money it makes. Selling if for $20 USD isnt feasable. The average falling sand game is free. With a 3D build, the most you could really charge is something less than 5 USD. That would barely cover developer pay much less the overhead on the servers, udates, etc. If you know of a way that this could be done without a good dev team and overhead, feel free to share. I would love to see a 3D version of this game but know it will never be unless someone funds it.
The fact that you've haven't talked about anything besides funding and the details of 3D TPT's release (rather than its development) makes me think you are understimating things.
Have you ever tried making a 3D game at all? Or even done any programming? Sure,the mathmatical models check out (which is the most you've given for the development side of things), but it's as not easy to implement them as you think they are.