
  • caddypaddy1
    31st Jul 2016 Member 1 Permalink

    A feature that I would like to see in the future is the ability to change your vote, say, for example, you accidentally dislike a save, you cannot remove or change that decision. 

    meesa so boomba - Jar Jar Binks, 1883

  • jacob1
    1st Aug 2016 Developer 0 Permalink
    Yes, this would be a nice feature that might happen eventually.
  • fatboy2
    1st Aug 2016 Member 0 Permalink

     Trolls will take advantage of that and will upvote saves to FP and then change their vote and vote it off. And if for example if someone decides to downvote all my saves, that will be much easier because they can change any upvotes they gave my saves to downvotes. If that feature is included in a future update you should only be allowed to change you're downvote to an upvote

  • jacob2
    1st Aug 2016 Member 0 Permalink
    @fatboy2 (View Post)
    I don't see why trolls would change their votes to a downvotes after upvoting it. But the other things could be problems. Maybe there could be a limit of time and after that your vote locks in.
    Edited once by jacob2. Last: 1st Aug 2016
  • Sandwichlizard
    2nd Aug 2016 Member 4 Permalink

    A very short time limit, like 15 seconds.  just in case you vote the wrong way by accident.  if your on the fence about a save, then wait a while before voting.


    It could work like this.


    if you vote up or down you can neutralize your vote by voting the other way within 15 seconds.  then your voting record for that save will be clear until you vote up or down again.

    Edited once by Sandwichlizard. Last: 2nd Aug 2016
  • edr-01
    2nd Aug 2016 Member 1 Permalink

    I think that would be better have a confirmation dialog, Once you confirm the vote, you can't change it. That's my idea. I think that it's less vulnerable to be misused.

  • SopaXorzTaker
    3rd Aug 2016 Member 1 Permalink

    @edr-01 (View Post)

     Most people confirm things without paying any attention.