I've never seen this or heard about it anywhere before. One person recently said their mac version was stuck at 15, but that was probably because of a few other issues.
How long do you have to wait? What is on the screen? I'm not sure if testing this would really be possible.
@tmo97(View Post) Is it? I know liquid physics is extremely laggy. It can check up to 30-40 locations to try to move to them, to make movement more realistic. I don't think gasses are as laggy.
The lag problem might not happen to me for whatever random reason. It sounds very obscure and might only happen in some kind of circumstances that aren't present on my computer. I use Linux I guess. And usually i'm using my mod, most of my official tpt usage is a debug build compiled on my computer. But I do leave that build open for very long periods of time a lot, so if it affected all computers I probably would have seen it.