Proposed changes for the PROT wiki page

  • Ben_Ger
    30th Jun 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    I was playing around with prot and wifi today and I think I found a better explanation than the one in the wiki.

    it seems like it doesnt transfer temperature, but rather simply adds that temperature whenever it touches something. I would simply like to ask for permission before changing the article here. (or for people to correct my assumption)

  • Iodizon
    30th Jun 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    PROT only does that with WIFI.


    PROT temperature    |     WIFI temp change    (Celsius)

           > 200             |              +1000

         100~200           |               +100

         -100~-200        |                -100

           < -200            |              -1000


    For other materials, it does the normal heat transfer.


  • jacob2
    30th Jun 2016 Member 0 Permalink
    It does a special heat transfer for all elements. That is why it can change the temperature of elements that don't conduct heat. The special heat transfer is basically just adding or subtracting heat, can't remember the details but it does create / destroy energy.
    WiFi and portals also have even more special rules.
    And then it does still do heat conduction like any other element.
  • Ben_Ger
    30th Jun 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    @Iodizon (View Post)

     I was conducting testing (miniscule, fine testing) and I came to similar results. Thanks for telling me o/

    @jacob2 (View Post)

     So, would it be fine if Iodizon added this special rule to the page? I mean, I cannot take credit since he found out first.

  • jacob2
    30th Jun 2016 Member 0 Permalink
    @Ben_Ger (View Post)
    The wiki is public, anyone can edit / should edit it if it is missing information. Credit doesn't matter. Definitely don't put credit in the wiki either, I would just remove it because it is all public information (you could have checked the source and found the PROT thing too)
  • Ben_Ger
    30th Jun 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob2 (View Post)

     did find the prot thing but even there (unless my memory is failing me, which is sadly common for me) the thing about the special interaction (or rather the specifics) wasnt in there.

    But thanks for being so responsive to me. I appreciate it.