Computer shuts down when running TPT

  • The8BitPotato
    11th Jun 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    This only started happening about a week ago, but when I am running The Powder Toy on my computer, it will randomly shut down. By random I mean it could happen at any time. Here's the computer's specs if it will help:

    Computer: IBM ThinkPad T30 (year 2002); Processor: 1.8GHz Mobile Intel Pentium 4; RAM: 1GB; OS: Ubuntu MATE 14.04 LTS

  • ChargedCreeper
    11th Jun 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Do you see a kernel panic when this happens or does it just power off? Do other CPU-intense applications cause this? I suspect it may be overheating. You may want to check the temps and clean out the vents. Pentium 4 laptops had a tendency to overheat... a lot.

    Edited once by ChargedCreeper. Last: 11th Jun 2016
  • jacob1
    11th Jun 2016 Developer 0 Permalink
    Is your computer overheating? I had an old computer (with better specs) that overheated once. Probably because I never cleaned it or anything and it was just so old.

    I used to use the "sensors" command to check temperature.
  • The8BitPotato
    11th Jun 2016 Member 0 Permalink


    I don't think it's a kernel panic, but it did the same thing today when I was running Firefox.



    Here's the output from running "sensors":

    Not running TPT:

    Adapter: Virtual device
    temp1:        +65.0°C  (crit = +94.0°C)

    Adapter: ISA adapter
    fan1:        3718 RPM
    temp1:        +65.0°C  
    temp2:        +54.0°C  
    temp3:        +49.0°C  
    temp4:            N/A  
    temp5:        +24.0°C  
    temp6:            N/A  
    temp7:        +25.0°C  
    temp8:            N/A  

    Running TPT:

    Adapter: Virtual device
    temp1:        +86.0°C  (crit = +94.0°C)

    Adapter: ISA adapter
    fan1:        4578 RPM
    temp1:        +86.0°C  
    temp2:        +58.0°C  
    temp3:        +49.0°C  
    temp4:            N/A  
    temp5:        +24.0°C  
    temp6:            N/A  
    temp7:        +25.0°C  
    temp8:            N/A  

    This is from running TPT for about 30 seconds.

    Edited once by The8BitPotato. Last: 11th Jun 2016
  • boxmein
    12th Jun 2016 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Yes, it's definitely overheating. A temperaeture close to 86°C will damage your system and a very common threshold for "oh crap, we're overheating" is 90°C. To fix that, do any of the following or ask someone that's a bit better with technology to:

    1. Clean/Dust the computer.

    If that doesn't work, then..

    2. Place the computer in a location where it gets better airflow
    3. Since it's a laptop, I suggest you upgrade to a newer laptop from around 2011-2012 which will cost around 50-60$ depending on the used laptop market.

  • The8BitPotato
    13th Jun 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    I found a file in /proc/acpi/ibm/ called "fan" that has three thingies: "status", "speed", and "level". "speed" is automatically changed by the computer but the other two stay the same. They are set to "status: enabled" and "level: auto". I'm not sure if this could help since the file is read-only.

    Edited once by The8BitPotato. Last: 12th Jun 2016
  • Simon
    13th Jun 2016 Administrator 0 Permalink
    An old laptop will almost definitely need dusting, those compressed air dusters usually do a good job, just blast all the dust out of the vents, maybe even take the cover off.

    Check if the thermal control is working properly and that the fan speed is ramping up as it gets hotter. I had a thinkpad myself that had some thermal control issues in Linux.

    It may also be worth replacing the thermal compound between the CPU and heatsink, on older computers, the compound may dry out and crack, harming the efficiency of the heatsink.