This only started happening about a week ago, but when I am running The Powder Toy on my computer, it will randomly shut down. By random I mean it could happen at any time. Here's the computer's specs if it will help:
Computer: IBM ThinkPad T30 (year 2002); Processor: 1.8GHz Mobile Intel Pentium 4; RAM: 1GB; OS: Ubuntu MATE 14.04 LTS
Do you see a kernel panic when this happens or does it just power off? Do other CPU-intense applications cause this? I suspect it may be overheating. You may want to check the temps and clean out the vents. Pentium 4 laptops had a tendency to overheat... a lot.
I don't think it's a kernel panic, but it did the same thing today when I was running Firefox.
Here's the output from running "sensors":
Not running TPT:
Adapter: Virtual device
temp1: +65.0°C (crit = +94.0°C)
Adapter: ISA adapter
fan1: 3718 RPM
temp1: +65.0°C
temp2: +54.0°C
temp3: +49.0°C
temp4: N/A
temp5: +24.0°C
temp6: N/A
temp7: +25.0°C
temp8: N/A
Running TPT:
Adapter: Virtual device
temp1: +86.0°C (crit = +94.0°C)
Adapter: ISA adapter
fan1: 4578 RPM
temp1: +86.0°C
temp2: +58.0°C
temp3: +49.0°C
temp4: N/A
temp5: +24.0°C
temp6: N/A
temp7: +25.0°C
temp8: N/A
This is from running TPT for about 30 seconds.
I found a file in /proc/acpi/ibm/ called "fan" that has three thingies: "status", "speed", and "level". "speed" is automatically changed by the computer but the other two stay the same. They are set to "status: enabled" and "level: auto". I'm not sure if this could help since the file is read-only.