I'm having issues with TPT on Mac OS X

  • Joostmhw
    11th May 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    He everyone, here is the situation:

    Before the vacantion I played TPT and closed my macbook screen, when returning to it after the vacation I force quit TPT and now it won't work anymore. I've tried reinstalling but I'll try again a couple of times. (sorry for the grammar) here is the report: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WgBoY0hT0w-_IM52WBPG4JqcxreXtJh_S7hoFV9WyTQ/edit?usp=sharing

    Thanks alot I hope some of you know the answer!

    Edited 2 times by Joostmhw. Last: 11th May 2016
  • RCAProduction
    12th May 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Here are my thoughts: The new version for OSX is so unstable that it can't run after a force quit. You said that it only occurred after a force quit, so I would recommend the following to attempt to fix it:


    1. Restart your computer. Don't hold the power button, let it restart it the way it is designed. Try opening it again.

    2. If 1 doesn't work, open up a finder window:


    Enter this: command+shift+g


    A small window will appear with a textbox. Delete whatever is in it, and type this: ~/Library/Application Support/


    This takes you to application support. Find The Powder Toy in the list. If you have stamps, saves, screenshots, or lua scripts, copy them to a folder on the desktop. Once you do this, delete the folder The Powder Toy


    Now open up TPT, and if it errors again post the new error report.


    If it works, follow step 2 again, but now put all of your stamps, saves, screenshots, or lua scripts, back in The Powder Toy folder, and don't delete it this time. That way you still have access to them.



    Edited 2 times by RCAProduction. Last: 12th May 2016
  • jacob1
    12th May 2016 Developer 0 Permalink
    All you probably need to delete is powder.pref. I've heard that some broken powder.pref files can cause it to crash on startup. If you could send me a broken powder.pref that might help me fix it (make sure there is no login info inside it). But I won't have the time to investigate it for a while.

    So, just do step 2 of RCAProduction's post, but instead of deleting the entire folder just go inside of it and delete powder.pref.

    I don't know if force quitting would have anything to do with it, if it does that is interesting.