sxientifially real

  • alexm622
    5th Apr 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    so the first thing is with fission, so in the powder toy plutonium goes through fission, which does indeed happen in real life but also i  real life urabium goes through fission.

    also there should be a larger screen with more space for creating

    when zero gravity is activated large masses of things should get together, like stars

    partical friction should generate heat

    with the zero gravity thing and friction to, Clumps of hydrogen should go through fusion an make helium. then that helium could fuse.


    p.s. title spelled wrong. typed this on a mobile device.

    Edited once by alexm622. Last: 5th Apr 2016
  • jacob1
    5th Apr 2016 Developer 0 Permalink
    TPT fusion isn't that realistic, yeah. Not sure if there are any plans to fix it ... i'm not a nuclear physicist :P

    Larger screen is being discussed right now here

    Dunno, there is Newtonian gravity. You can use GPMP to create a really strong field, which should do what you want.

    TPT doesn't simulate friction right now, might break stuff to do this.

    TPT already has fusion! You just need to heat up HYGN to a high enough temperature and pressure. It goes though many states, from HYGN -> NBLE -> CO2 -> OXYG -> BRMT. Depending on how much temperature/pressure it had to start, also gravity is required for the last one.
  • Sandwichlizard
    5th Apr 2016 Member 0 Permalink



  • alexm622
    5th Apr 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    no by fusion i mean the fusion of other particals including particles like helium, co2, iron. this would mean the cfreation of an aritficial star or even a solar system, i also think that the powder toy should be capable to go through fusion with the use of the friction of atoms and compression to create fusion.