Update after version 91.0

  • Solace
    7th Mar 2016 Member 1 Permalink

    Let's start up with a quick explanation. You guys have diamond as being the indestructible property in the game. As indestructible as wall. In fact, it technically is the regular wall, but a different colour and easier to create things with. Now comes an interesting event. Diamonds are not indestructible. Scientists have now turned some test diamonds into puddles. They placed 10 million times the atmospheric pressure at sea level over diamonds and turned them into puddles. Now saying this, the pressure system in your game is not perfect. I've gotten a max 2 billion pressure out of some of my bombs. It may not be enough to liquidize you gamees diamonds if this new idea goes in, but it does bring about the possibility of deforming, or breaking, diamond. With this being said, I propose an idea of making diamond a not-so indestructible mateerial. Of course it'll be a long time, if this comes to fruition, before users do break diamond. 


    The powder toy isn't really a base for realism. You can have realistic builds, but some won't ever be realistic. In this case, the addition of Adamantine. Adamantium would be the name when you hover over the four digit abbreviation, but you get the drift. Adamantine means indestructible. The new material in the powder toy that will not break. As it stands, you guys have it so that you can't make diamonds in the game. You can only utilize them from the list. That's how Adamantium would be. Not creatable. The abbreviation being ADMT. 


    Now to go to a new level, you will not have to change the temperature or pressure scale. You see, diamonds are formed through a carbon based material going through recrystalization from extreme pressure. Put it this way. Stone can hypothetically form Limestone at around 100.00 pressure in game. 

    Then the Limestone can be pressurized to 256.00 and turn into diamonds from another set of recrystalization through excessive pressure. Now you have diamonds. 


    A greater way to have this is to make it so that Limestone, abbreviation LSTN, is a secret property like LOVE. Only found when searching up the property list. When people make pressure bombs and test them on Stone, the Stone will form Limestone, and if they test it again, the Limestone will turn into Diamond. 


    As it is, you're just adding two new materials into the game, and fixing the properties of another. As it's possible to get over a billion pressure in the game, make it so that Diamond can be liquidized at around 1,000,000,000.00 pressure. 


    As it is, this update idea makes it so that your game is more in the realm of reality, but actually adding in something that IS indestructible. Update 92.7 

  • NF
    7th Mar 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    @Solace (View Post)

     So thought out and I feel this was planned. Must watch Revenge of the Nerds again. Lol.

    I believe ADMT would be a great addition. But I believe DMND was one of the first elements made by Skylark who owned the powder toy from 2008-2009. So it'll stay indestructible. 

  • jacob1
    7th Mar 2016 Developer 1 Permalink
    I'll just start off my post with a big NO

    You're suggesting that we make diamond breakable at 1 billion pressure ??? That's just absurd, and also impossible to reach. The pressure gets capped back to 256 before the state change code runs. The other elements don't really serve a purpose either since DMND is going to stay indestructible.

    Not everything has to be based in realism, diamond is indestructible because it always has been, and there is no reason to change that. 1 billion pressure also isn't realistic either ...
  • thomasxin
    7th Mar 2016 Member 1 Permalink

    Well, @jacob1: Maybe you could change or remove the cap for pressure? It's really frustrating how no matter how much pressure elements you have, the pressure is always limited; therefore it will always spread at a certain speed. Maybe you could increase it to 32,767 and -32,768?


    EDIT: You CAN have more than 1 billion pressure for at least 1 frame. I have some saves (Sorta crash saves) that generate -658,049,623,846.1 pressure or more! Even some of my bombs tend to generate 4,294,967,296 pressure on the first frame.

    Edited 2 times by thomasxin. Last: 7th Mar 2016
  • ExplosivePowderGuy
    7th Mar 2016 Member 1 Permalink

    My update was unsuccessful? Because, I don't have any of the new features you listed, even searching for ADMT or LSTN I don't have anything new, I tried the method to obtain diamond the way you said, but nothing happens, I tried with COAL, BRCK and STNE, filled up a box with those and the put some AIR there, forcing Pressure rack up to 100+, but nothing happens, I just noticed some changes in the organization of the Elements, like, GBMB was changed to Force Elements, right? but nothing else! I'm using Windows 10 64-Bit.

    Edited once by ExplosivePowderGuy. Last: 7th Mar 2016
  • jacob2
    7th Mar 2016 Member 0 Permalink
    @ExplosivePowderGuy (View Post)
    This is just a suggestion thread, with a confusing title (I might add title changing support for moderators soon ...)

    @thomasxin (View Post)
    Not sure we need to raise the pressure cap, nothing happens at pressures that high. The air sim might go a bit insane too.
    And about the billion pressure, I may be wrong. Pressure is definitely that high while the data for the HUD is fetched. I think it might be capped to 255 before the state change code is run. Probably could be tested with lua.
  • Solace
    7th Mar 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

    Who can actually say what pressure isn't realistic? One billion pressure may not be achieved for some time, but it dooesn't mean it's not possible. Also, my bombs go beyond 2 billion pressure for about 3 frames. If you choose not to believe me, then set the ctype of snow to sing. Then set the tmp of snow to 99999999999999. Then set the temp of snow to 9999. Bam, over 1 billion pressure. You guys have a cap set, but breaking that cap isn't difficult in the least. On top of that, It may even be impossib;e to stop the breakge of your pressure cap. 


    @ExplosivePowderGuy (View Post)

    If you read what I wrote roperly, you'd see that these features are just ideas. Very nice ideas, but just ideas. 


    @jacob2 (View Post)

    Just add Possible to the beginning of the title. jacob1 and jacob2. That's a bit new. I don't really understand why wall is a thing if Diamond plays the same purpose. One is a separate colour and harder to decorate with, but does serve as a boundary. The other is just easier to use. 



  • jacob1
    7th Mar 2016 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Solace (View Post)
    Walls block pressure too, diamond doesn't.

    Also yes, I never denied that you reached 2 billion pressure (that is way more than i've ever heard of though O_o), I was just saying that at some point in the process the pressure is capped at 255. If it stays that way for 3 frames, that means you are really generating 6 billion pressure over 3 frames, before getting capped again each time.

    I think the process goes something like this: air pressure capped to 255 -> air simulation -> state changes -> element update functions, which raise pressure to 2 billion -> current pressure put in HUD -> loop over again.
  • Solace
    8th Mar 2016 Member 1 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     Yeah, it's not at all difficult to exceed 2 billion pressure. At the moment, I'm trying to exceed 10 billion pressure per frame. Mightt be impossible, but exceeding 2 is a great start.