V 91 Mac OSX Problems?

  • maas124
    6th Mar 2016 Member 0 Permalink


    While using Version 91 of the Powder Toy, on a 2013 Macbook Pro with El Capitan, the lower half of the window usually flashes black, sometime all of the window. Also, when quitting the Powder Toy, the program often becomes unresponsive and thus have to force quit the program.

    Anybody else having this sort of problems with V. 91?



  • jacob1
    6th Mar 2016 Developer 0 Permalink
    Other people have also reported some problems here: https://powdertoy.co.uk/Discussions/Thread/View.html?Thread=20732

    I don't have a mac, only a vm, and I haven't had time to start it and do any tests. What version of OS X are you on? To start, definitely redownload TPT. For once there actually is something changed in this update which requires it to be redownloaded to fix (fixes fullscreen on OS X). It's possible that updating 90.2 to 91.0 could cause issues.

    I also gave links to older versions of tpt in that thread, to try to narrow down where the problem started. Snapshot 3 is reported as working already, not sure about any of the others.

    If snapshot 32 is working (unlikely) you can try that, also maybe you could try my mod which is reported as working.
  • jacob1
    8th Mar 2016 Developer 0 Permalink
    Can you test the latest snapshot? I think I might have fixed the issue:

    See here for more info.

    If the fix works, should be live within a few days. I need to figure out how to package the update in a .dmg properly too.