Undo (Ctrl + Z) not working

  • Spiblast
    30th Jan 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    It's not doing anything, and I lost a lot of work due to this

  • jacob1
    30th Jan 2016 Developer 0 Permalink
    What part isn't working about it?

    Note that undo only works once. So if you draw 3 lines and press ctrl+z, it will only undo the 3rd line and you'll have 2. Any further undos just reset it to back after you drew the second line. Any time you click or paste a stamp, that will set an undo point.

    If you wanted to save your work, either use a stamp or hold ctrl and click on save to make a local save. Or save it online normally.
  • Spiblast
    5th Feb 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     It works sometimes but every time I mess something important up it just doesnt do anything