This is what I got while trying to compile Feynman's Mod for Mac (after doing scons and realizing I had to install LuaJit and then installing it properly):
scons: done building targets.
error: /Applications/ can't open file: /powder64-x (No such file or directory)
I tried opening the powder64-x file again manually, but it would just do this:
/Users/Mihir/Desktop/FeynmanPowder-master/powder64-x ; exit;
Also, when or if I do get it compiled, how should I share it with Feynman (Logo Maker).
Sorry about not responding. A lot was going on. I think i know what the problem is, but i don't know the solution.
The full output:
Possible problem: According to the last couple lines, "can't open file: /powder64-x (No such file or directory)" there is no file called powder64-x at the root folder (Macintosh HD). To fix this, I think I would have to either move powder64-x to Macintosh HD (which I don't really want to do) or fix the thing insisting that there is a powder64-x at "/". I honestly have no idea. This mod looks fun and I really want to use it too. Btw, I just got a Tab 4 and Powdertoy works great on it (pls see my reply on its thread). Thanks.
Ok, so I tried replacing the powder-x file in the vanilla app (bundle) with the powder64-x (after renameing it to powder-x). I opened the app and it just did nothing. I force quit it and tried again, replacing the recources folder with the one given in the mod source, but it did the same thing. There are a lot of other files in the source that I have no idea what to do with as well.