jeffluo trolling

  • NewTrain64
    14th Dec 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    Some user on TPTMP is trolling, and I can't seem to deal with him becuase of numerous (and failed) attmepts to either lag or crash my client, and I was hoping I can get some answers on the fourms.


    Also has a freind who follows him and blows things up, they also like to accuse me of lying (your choice to belive).


    User is jeffluo36.

    Edited once by NewTrain64. Last: 14th Dec 2015
  • jacob1
    14th Dec 2015 Developer 0 Permalink
    It looks like some kind of argument happened, I can't tell if it was you or jeffluo35 that originally caused it. He told me that he did it because you were annoying him ... anyway I told him that isn't an excuse and he shouldn't detonate lag bombs. So hopefully it won't happen again. Also next time can you send me a private message instead?
Locked by jacob1: solved