Move this to appropiate topic, I posted this in help as it seems the most appropiate as of writing this.
After getting the best thing since moving solids (TPTMP) I've seem to encouner daily problems.
The first ones are little kids (usually in groups of 3 in the lobby) are drawing "wood 'sculptures' with 'soap' gushing out of them" and trollers.
One particular problem is selfish people (kids) who tend to reply everything in ridiculous answers or the person's only vocabulary is "sorry (sarcasm)", "hi", "sup", and "lol".
One person just a few minutes ago did a invisible DEST portal into my partition of the sandbox. Of course, followed by a sarcastic brainless "sorry" followed by a "lol".
In some cases a person will do a water equilization client crash (turn on water equilization, make the borders into WALL and spam WATR causing 95% of people in the server to crash). Though its anoying to those with potatoes as I and some others can rejoin the server within seconds.
I was hoping there is something we can do in order to remove trolls, selfish people, and "wood 'sculptures' with 'soap' gushing out of them" makers, perhaps a request moderator, LUA thingys that limit what they can do, vote kick, or a blacklist?
Thanks. Hopefully I can take those words to an advantage over the trolls, selfish people that has special eyes that can only see their creations, bomb element,s and the "clear page" button, and nasty drawings gushing out "soap" makers. I'm new to TPT so I never knew that you can do messaging from the Application to the website.
As much as I like being in a private channel in peace, I'd like to ineract with others like doing a Co-op operating x power plant, or blowing up y city with z-destructabomb9000, RP, or even just chatting while making gadgets (that aren't "wood scupltures" with gushing "soap").
True, but we can have a blacklist for repeat offenders and I can instantly rejoin under 5 to 10 seconds if they do this. Oh wait, that would mean they can too.
@Mrprocom (View Post)
Well there's also /mute to block someone from chatting too (also you can do both to someone at the same time! lol).
But /mute is useless as they can both draw messages or use signs, and it doesn't actually stop them from trolling as cussing in the chat is nonexsistent.