Changes to existing tpt

  • Cracker1000
    6th Dec 2015 Member 1 Permalink
    So i start with 1st point

    1)Store: Why not allow store (element) to absorb more particles rather than just one? its capacity to store should be changed with its tmp or life or something else.

    2)wifi: wifi should be made more channel specific i.e instead of 100^ it should be like every 10^ this would allow some more channels to be used.

    3)LCD: changes to make it work like jacob1's mod element animator (see mod to understand)

    4)deco: some more options like deco even in empty space like it was in the initial version of tpt.

    5)Ability to name stamps would be cool

    more pints to be added later.....
    Please give your suggestion to above points....
    Edited once by cracker1000. Last: 6th Dec 2015
  • jacob1
    6th Dec 2015 Developer 0 Permalink
    1) It would be complicated to allow STOR to store more than one thing. We don't really need another massive data structure like the one portals have ... anyway I recommend using portals if you want to store more stuff. portals have channels just like WIFI.

    2) People don't seem to have many problems with WIFI channels now, there are other ways to transfer signals long distances too (like DRAY even), or portals, or ARAY.

    3) ANIM does some interesting stuff ... I think it might be better if it wasn't in official.

    4) There was a version of TPT where deco applied to empty space but we changed it to apply to particles. If you need it to apply to empty space maybe you can use INVS or something like that.

    5) Might be cool, but not really anywhere near the top of my TODO list :P