J: like LOLZ and LOVE but is shaped like a "J". It is also a moving solid, but its velocity is set to 0 every frame
JRAY: Randomly acts like either ARAY, BRAY, CRAY, DRAY, or FRAY.
PWRJ: Powered J; turns on when powered.
BRKJ: Breakable J; breaks when broken.
PBJ: Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich. not powered breakable J, of course.
BKNJ: Broken J
JICE: J ice. Not related to SLDJ.
JSNS: J Sensor. Creates a spark when a J is nearby, including "J"s on signs
SLDJ: Solid J, Liquid form of J
LQDJ: Liquid J, Solid form of J
GASJ: Gas from of J. fuses at absolute 0 with strong gravity, but only when water equilization is on.
JSCN: J-type silicon. Turns powered materials on, then off when its life reaches 0.
JBMB: J bomb http://danball.wikia.com/wiki/Jointbomb
JCB2: potato
JUMP: causes STKM, STK2, JBOT, and HJCK to jump when nearby, with a range set by tmp2.
JELY: Jelly. created PBJ when combined with PBTR and BRED. Also very sticky like GEL, but 1000 times more
JLIF: J life. B9-1Si0
J WALL: Blocks all elements that don't have a J in their name.
There are also no elements with 0, 1, 6, 7, 8, or 9 in the name:
016789: Does nothing (has a long name like SPWN2)
C-0: explosive that never explodes
C-6: Explodes at temperatures below 0K
C-7: Explodes when its pressure is low
C-8: Explodes under high pressure
C-9: Always explodes instantly
controlled by TFGH, IJKL,numberpad /789, numberpad 5123, and 0OP[
There are also no elements with the symbols `~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?,./;'[]\= in them, or any control characters.
I made a graph of saves with only "J"s in the name (or a tag that is just "J"s)