Interesting thing...

  • 12Me21
    25th Sep 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    There are no element abbreviations in TPT with the letter "J" in them, just like in the periodic table.

  • jacob1
    25th Sep 2015 Developer 10 Permalink
    This is now a thread where we suggest elements with the letter 'J' in them

    JAR: copy of CRMC but breaks if the pressure changes by more than 20 in one frame
    JBOX: jukebox, plays a random Taylor Swift song when sparked
    JBOT: jBot-42, a new stickman which looks like jBot-42
    JUNK: sometimes turns into a IPAD when sparked. IPADs can be used to buy items on eBay.
    JCB1: Bans you when sparked.
    HJCK: Hijacker, a STKM which blows up any nearby planes.
  • 12Me21
    26th Sep 2015 Member 3 Permalink

    J: like LOLZ and LOVE but is shaped like a "J". It is also a moving solid, but its velocity is set to 0 every frame

    JRAY: Randomly acts like either ARAY, BRAY, CRAY, DRAY, or FRAY.

    PWRJ: Powered J; turns on when powered.

    BRKJ: Breakable J; breaks when broken.

    PBJ: Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich. not powered breakable J, of course.

    BKNJ: Broken J

    JICE: J ice. Not related to SLDJ.

    JSNS: J Sensor. Creates a spark when a J is nearby, including "J"s on signs

    SLDJ: Solid J, Liquid form of J

    LQDJ: Liquid J, Solid form of J

    GASJ: Gas from of J. fuses at absolute 0 with strong gravity, but only when water equilization is on.

    SPWNJ: Spawns JBOTs

    JSCN: J-type silicon. Turns powered materials on, then off when its life reaches 0.

    JBMB: J bomb

    JCB2: potato

    JUMP: causes STKM, STK2, JBOT, and HJCK to jump when nearby, with a range set by tmp2.

    JELY: Jelly. created PBJ when combined with PBTR and BRED. Also very sticky like GEL, but 1000 times more

    JLIF: J life. B9-1Si0



    J WALL: Blocks all elements that don't have a J in their name.


    There are also no elements with 0, 1, 6, 7, 8, or 9 in the name:

    016789: Does nothing (has a long name like SPWN2)


    C-0: explosive that never explodes

    C-6: Explodes at temperatures below 0K

    C-7: Explodes when its pressure is low

    C-8: Explodes under high pressure

    C-9: Always explodes instantly



    controlled by TFGH, IJKL,numberpad /789, numberpad 5123, and 0OP[


    There are also no elements with the symbols `~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?,./;'[]\= in them, or any control characters.



    I made a graph of saves with only "J"s in the name (or a tag that is just "J"s)

    Edited 13 times by 12Me21. Last: 26th Sep 2015
  • jacob1
    26th Sep 2015 Developer 2 Permalink
    @12Me21 (View Post)
    Amazing suggestions, i'll have to get to work on those.
  • 12Me21
    26th Sep 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    I will continue to add more

  • jBot-42
    26th Sep 2015 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • iovoid
    26th Sep 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    JAIL: Teleports you to a jail in Jacob1's house when sparked and tmp2 is 614

  • 12Me21
    26th Sep 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    If you can make HJCK able to tell if something is an airplane, then that would be more impressive than making moving solids.

  • jBot-42
    26th Sep 2015 Banned 0 Permalink
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    Edited 2 times by jBot-42. Last: 26th Sep 2015
  • 12Me21
    26th Sep 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    Even detecting "chair-like objects" would be pretty hard.

    maybe we need a new element, called [SEAT]

    Edited once by 12Me21. Last: 26th Sep 2015