Unknown account deletion

  • Catpire11
    16th Sep 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    I am scard, i am worried, i am tired, My new account killersor(h gave e the account) was deleted, i have noo idea why, i need help getting it back/ seeing if its even deleted

  • jacob1
    16th Sep 2015 Developer 1 Permalink
    I'm not sure what you mean, your account still exists here: https://powdertoy.co.uk/User.html?Name=killersor . Accounts can't be deleted.

    It was banned for multi-account voting a while ago though. Please don't vote on saves using alternate accounts. If you want to vote on saves, make sure you are using your original account, I wouldn't vote at all with any others just to be safe.
  • Catpire11
    17th Sep 2015 Member 0 Permalink


    i think the orginal killersor might ahev changed the password, btw all the saves atleast at the time i checked, werent there, im vchecking atm


    All the saves were deleted, possible corruption or servers, but i think SOMEONE WHO OPERSATES the server would have noticed



  • jacksonmj
    17th Sep 2015 Developer 2 Permalink

    All saves by killersor seem to have been deleted. Not by a moderator, but by someone who had the password to the account. (There's a counter for each user which keeps track of how many of their saves have been deleted by a moderator, and for killersor it says "0 save deletions".)

    This means the saves were probably deleted either by you (by accident), or by the original killersor.


    Edit: or by someone who had access to your computer and thought it would be amusing to delete all the saves.

    Edited once by jacksonmj. Last: 17th Sep 2015
  • Catpire11
    18th Sep 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    I got into the killersor account and the original killersor or a hacker has changed the password, i am in the account on tpt, i want a way to notify him but i forgot the emeail thaat was set on his account, 

  • jacob1
    18th Sep 2015 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Catpire11 (View Post)
    So you can't login?

    I would just forget about it and continue using your original account, there are a few issues with using alternate accounts (multi-account voting) and clearly someone doesn't want you to use the @killersor one for some reason, if they deleted all the saves and changed the password.

    If you are still logged in you can check the email here: https://powdertoy.co.uk/Profile.html
    If not, idk send them a convo and see who responds: https://powdertoy.co.uk/Conversations/New.html?Recipient=killersor
  • Catpire11
    18th Sep 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    If i get a respond i sure will tell you and annswer any questions the origninal killersor or a ahckwer has...

  • jacob1
    18th Sep 2015 Developer 0 Permalink
    Ok. Also I just cleared the sessions so only people who have the password to killersor can login.
  • Catpire11
    19th Sep 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    The orginal killersor is trying to change the email, i have told him that he cant change the email

  • Mrprocom
    19th Sep 2015 Moderator 1 Permalink
    @Catpire11 (View Post)


    The orginal killersor is trying to change the email

    So wait, are you saying that you somehow have found the password of an unknown account called @killersor which you didn't own originally and claimed it for yourself?

    Btw, TPT hackers don't exist and if they did, they would hack @Simon, @jacob1 or any other moderators instead of a random account because let's face it, why would they hack a random account instead of an account that they can use to take over the entire website/game :P