Not able to change email address

  • theorybuzz
    13th Sep 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    I tried to change my email address in my profile settings, but it is not changing my email address. The website is saying 'User Information Saved', but it keeps showing my old email address (which I deleted a long time back). Please help me fix this. Thanks.

  • jacob1
    13th Sep 2015 Developer 1 Permalink
    As far as I know, this feature is broken. Maybe Simon will fix it sometime ... I don't think he knows it doesn't work.
  • Mrprocom
    13th Sep 2015 Moderator 2 Permalink
    @jacob1 (View Post)
    I did inform him 3 or 4 times, but he only responded the second time I informed him with a question and a "hmm" >:(
  • theorybuzz
    21st Sep 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    I'm also not able to change my password. I think the entire "edit profile" thing doesn't work.

  • jacob1
    21st Sep 2015 Developer 0 Permalink
    This page doesn't work?

    I can test it in a bit I guess ... probably would be a good thing to change my password every once in a while anyway :P. I just hope it doesn't log me out everywhere because that would be annoying.

    Editing everything else on the profile page I know works, I just did that all recently.
  • theorybuzz
    22nd Oct 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     I'm able to change my password now, but the email thing still isn't working. How do I get in contact with Simon, or can I not? I understand that he has been notified of this issue multiple times but I want to let him know again.


    Also, how do I delete my account or can I? I just want to create a new account with the same username with my updated email address.

    Edited 2 times by urztrulyanurag. Last: 22nd Oct 2015
  • jacob1
    23rd Oct 2015 Developer 0 Permalink
    @urztrulyanurag (View Post)
    You could email and ask him to fix it or change your email. Not sure if he would respond, he usually doesn't respond to me either.

    Also you can't delete your account.
  • theorybuzz
    8th Sep 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Okay, so changing he email address works now. I just updated my email address in for my account, although I'm not sure how well the entire TPT system handles this.


    Also, it's a bummer that you cannot delete your account. Users should at least be able to deactivate their accounts if they don't use thier TPT account anymore. Perhaps, you could implement a mechanism in your system where a deactivated account gets automatically deleted from your databases if it has not been accessed in a certain amount of time (60, 90, or x days). I'm expecting it will relieve the TPT servers a bit of load as it will erase unused accounts from its databases. Not sure if it is possible to implement this feature or not, and if it can be how easy and how useful it is to implement this feature.



  • jacob1
    8th Sep 2016 Developer 1 Permalink
    @urztrulyanurag (View Post)
    After being pestered about it for months, Simon finally fixed changing email addresses. So yeah, you can do that now.

    Deleting unused accounts won't reduce any load on the servers at all. It's also just not possible right now, and if it were in the future, it would be only doable by an admin (I actually thought about adding it but haven't done it yet). If you actually want your account deleted, there are potentially some options that work right now, like I could delete all your comments, threads, and saves. But that wouldn't hide everything.