Materials behaving oddly in opened sims.

  • invisibowl
    21st Apr 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    When I open a simulation with the "Find & open a simulation" button, the materials never behave as they normally do; literally everything acts as a solid. Fire is brown-ish and doesn't burn anything, sparks appear as solid yellow blots on materials, and electricity doesn't work at all. Is this a known glitch, or am I doing something wrong? If it's the latter (which is likely) how can I fix it?

  • jacob1
    21st Apr 2015 Developer 0 Permalink
    Maybe your game is paused? Try pressing spacebar, that will unpause the game. There is also a button on the very bottom right to do the same thing.

    For the graphics, there are many different display modes. You are in "nothing" display mode which displays nothing fancy at all. Press '4' to return to the default, '8' is for nothing. All of the number keys switch between various display modes.