Votes Questions

  • AWSM007
    2nd Mar 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    How do I find how many people vote on my creations in-game? I know theres a bar but it's completely useless. Also, don't say "Use mods" cos i don't really want to.

    Thx in advance!

  • Protcom
    2nd Mar 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    I think you have to find your save here in order to how how many up-vote there are. Also there is a small box in the bottom left of your save (before you open it) that will show you what's the total rank of your save (AKA up-votes-down-votes).

  • AWSM007
    2nd Mar 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    So if the little box is one...that means your vote up/down rank is...1...but doesn't show your actuall votes?


    Thing is, i think TPT needs an upload limit...maybe 1 a day, so people can get half a chance for votes because you either hav a 5000 view and hundreds of likes or like 2 views and - unsuprisingly - 0 votes...

  • jacob1
    2nd Mar 2015 Developer 0 Permalink
    I think it tells you how many total votes there are in game, but only on your own save. If that number in the box says "5" that means when you add the upvotes and downvotes together there are 5 votes (the first vote on every save is your own and doesn't really count though). You can click the 'open in browser' button to get more information.

    I don't think an upload limit would be a good idea, there are ways to get your save noticed if you are having trouble like posting it on the forums or resaving it every few hours.
  • xetalim
    2nd Mar 2015 Member 2 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

    Where is the standard advertisement for jacob1's mod?