Material changer and rotator tool.

  • ffngg
    17th Dec 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Material changer:

    Havent we all been there with a lovely looking creation we have decorated only to realise we used the wrong material for it? Like i made a gun of wax but then when i tried to make a smoke effect it just melted ofcourse. Now instead of having to rebuild the entire thing wouldnt it be much nicer to just change the material without ruining the dekorations? I dont think this sounds so hard to do and it would be realy great to be able to change the materials, just to save time and effort realy.


    Rotator tool:

    Many times atleast i have wanted to turn a stamp or something but cant without remaking the whole thing.

    I know it would be inpossible to turn just a litte bit due to the pixely nature of the game but turning it 90 degrees should be doable right?



    On the diagonals its a square but one the straight lines its a circle. If we tur it 90 degrees it's still a circle.

     Squarish cirkle



    Anyway i just thought that this would help save time and effort people might not be willing to put into it.

  • cctvdude99
    17th Dec 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @ffngg (View Post)
    Read your readme.txt, stamp rotation is already a feature.


    Shift + R Horizontal mirror for selected area when pasting stamps
    Ctrl + Shift + R Vertical mirror for selected area when pasting stamps
    R Rotate selected area counterclockwise when pasting stamps

    As for material changer - use a combination of 'Specific Delete' and 'Replace Mode' to replace an individual element within a creation.
    For example, say part of your creation is in DMND and you want it to be in TTAN, but not to change all the DMND into TTAN. Select TTAN in the normal way, then press the insert key, then Ctrl + Alt + click on DMND, then press Ctrl + ; and drag away - only the DMND will be turned into TTAN.

    Or use the console if you want all the DMND to turn into TTAN - press the ¬ key (or ~ on a QWERTZ keyboard - it's whatever the key underneath Esc is on your keyboard), then type !set type DMND TTAN
    Edited 2 times by cctvdude99. Last: 17th Dec 2014
  • jacob1
    17th Dec 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    @cctvdude99 (View Post)
    you don't even need the specific delete part (the ctrl+semicolon)

    It seems replace mode doesn't preserve deco color though. I suggest using PROP tool, and selecting type and putting what you want to change it to in the textbox. Then carefully draw over what you want to change.
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 17th Dec 2014
  • cctvdude99
    17th Dec 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @jacob1 (View Post)
    You need specific delete if you only want to change the one element though (so you can drag over half the save, and not turn everything into one element).
  • jacob1
    17th Dec 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    @cctvdude99 (View Post)
    no, replace mode and specific delete aren't meant to be used together. Replace mode only replaces what you have ctrl+alt selected, and ignores everything else.

    Edit: but if you have NONE selected it will replace everything. Turning on specific delete does nothing special there either.
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 17th Dec 2014
  • ffngg
    18th Dec 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @cctvdude99 (View Post)

     I am an idiot, sorry to bother you...  But btw you who seem to know tpt how do i check what code the different materials have?


     actually i figured it out... MY STUPIDNESS CONTINIUES!

    Edited 2 times by ffngg. Last: 18th Dec 2014