Material changer:
Havent we all been there with a lovely looking creation we have decorated only to realise we used the wrong material for it? Like i made a gun of wax but then when i tried to make a smoke effect it just melted ofcourse. Now instead of having to rebuild the entire thing wouldnt it be much nicer to just change the material without ruining the dekorations? I dont think this sounds so hard to do and it would be realy great to be able to change the materials, just to save time and effort realy.
Rotator tool:
Many times atleast i have wanted to turn a stamp or something but cant without remaking the whole thing.
I know it would be inpossible to turn just a litte bit due to the pixely nature of the game but turning it 90 degrees should be doable right?
On the diagonals its a square but one the straight lines its a circle. If we tur it 90 degrees it's still a circle.
Anyway i just thought that this would help save time and effort people might not be willing to put into it.
Shift + R Horizontal mirror for selected area when pasting stamps
Ctrl + Shift + R Vertical mirror for selected area when pasting stamps
R Rotate selected area counterclockwise when pasting stamps
I am an idiot, sorry to bother you... But btw you who seem to know tpt how do i check what code the different materials have?
actually i figured it out... MY STUPIDNESS CONTINIUES!