New Idea for a wall

  • KitchenParty
    5th Dec 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    i've wanted this for a while now, i dont know how it would work but i know you can make it work

    Name-One-Way Wall

    Icon Colour- third Lime green (0xFF79FD00) third light lime green (0xFFCCFE00) and a third Yellow (0xFFFFFF00) like energy wall

    Actual colour-dark lime green (0xFF4D9300)

    Category- Walls

    Description- a wall in which materials can go in one way but cannot go another way

    Uses- pulling powders away from solids

    Idea for use- water gets evaporated, steam goes into One-way wall then condensates and the water cant come back down, water gets pushed into a thing that uses water DONE!


    hope this was detailed enough if there is something i missed out tell me



    p.s this could also be an element (?)


    pictures of how i imagine it


    actual thing plus icon (i dont know how to make it bigger so you'll have to zoom in)

    Edited once by KitchenParty. Last: 7th Dec 2014
  • xetalim
    5th Dec 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    You can do this with PIPE and STOR







    Edited 6 times by xetalim. Last: 5th Dec 2014
  • jacob1
    5th Dec 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    How do you pick which way stuff goes through? :P
  • KitchenParty
    5th Dec 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @xetalim (View Post)

     but stor only holds 1 particle and plus you need electricity and stuff and i would be too annoying a complicated and i just want a quick thing to separate powder from solid


    also whats with the code i dont understand


    Edited once by KitchenParty. Last: 5th Dec 2014
  • cctvdude99
    5th Dec 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    @jacob1 (View Post)
    I don't think this should be implemented, but I would assume the same way you set fan direction.

    @KitchenParty (View Post)
    As for your example, gas only wall would allow WTRV but not WATR.
  • jacob1
    5th Dec 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    @cctvdude99 (View Post)
    I actually think it's a pretty simple idea that can easily be added. I already added airblock wall.
  • KitchenParty
    5th Dec 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

    default is up lets through and down blocks but...

     !set (property) 1WW (one way wall) S or D (south/Down as in down lets through, up blocks)

     !set (property) 1WW (one way wall) E or R (east/right lets through, left blocks vice versa)

    also prop: just click the property and type W(est) or L(eft) which ever one you want to choose (i would personally choose NESW because im terrible with L/R)


    @cctvdude99 (View Post)

     the water thing was the only other example i could think of, i just thought there should be two examples

    Edited 3 times by KitchenParty. Last: 5th Dec 2014
  • jacob1
    5th Dec 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    @KitchenParty (View Post)
    !set doesn't work on walls, walls and particles in TPT are coded in entirely different ways :P

    I might try the line tool (fan) thing though, I think that would work.

    (If I have time to do it ...)
  • KitchenParty
    5th Dec 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

      well i did say it could be a particle too......


    EDIT holy crap i just learned about the line tool... i thought fan just accelerated vent


    so much to learn 


    but anyway use this its is amazing (but lock it in 4 directions)


    Edited 2 times by KitchenParty. Last: 5th Dec 2014
  • Klus
    5th Dec 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    doge much bad gramar