Set-Ray idea...

  • asdf123
    8th Nov 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I think the main problem with all these 'set rays' is that life, tmp etc. is always reserved for width / length / spark duration . So what if instead of one 'master' set ray we could have seperate ones for life, temp,tmp etc etc?


    and then we could have range on tmp but setvalue on ctype or whatever.

  • boxmein
    8th Nov 2014 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Devs don't like to make elements depend on the exact underlying implementation of particles. So modifying a particular property (life/tmp/tmp2/vx/vy) shouldn't be a thing.
  • jacob1
    8th Nov 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    I'm not sure why it matters whether tmp, life, or temp sets the length / other properties. Are you suggesting we make an exact copy of some of the ray elements? I'm confused.
  • FeynmanLogomaker
    9th Nov 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    I think he's saying have a LRAY that sets life of stuff, a TRAY that sets the temp of stuff, etc, etc.

    It might be better to create a universal one, where you can choose the property to modify and the value it sets. That might be hard to do though.

  • asdf123
    9th Nov 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    exactly. easier to code  = quicker we get it

  • jacob1
    9th Nov 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    ok, but we already have a lot of ray elements that all do different things. I don't think we should have a ray that does things like set tmp or life. I also can't imagine it being too useful except in extremely specific circumstances. Maybe you'll have to figure out how to use DRAY instead.
  • asdf123
    9th Nov 2014 Member 1 Permalink


    1. energy perpetuator - keep photons from disappeareing

    2. ctyperay based bombs : set ctype lava sing then put water on top = whoops....

    3. bomb stabiliser / primers: see above

    4. coolant, for reactors, shielding, etc.

    5. reactor control rods

    6. 'moving soilds','photon deflectors' etc etc by setting vx & vy

    7. superheaters for flamethrowers etc.

    8. could replace cray (with mode set to type and see below) and potentially dray with the mode.


    also, even if we have just 2 variables (tmp 1 and ctype perhaps) we could get one ray element to set either life/tmp/ctype etc etc depending on the tmp1 and store the set value in ctype

  • greymatter
    9th Nov 2014 Member 0 Permalink
    This might make usually complicates saves easier for many users....I like it.
  • minecraft-physics
    9th Nov 2014 Member 1 Permalink
    Boxmein already wrote this element:, and it was rejected because it relies on the exact implementation of elements. See jacksonmj's post for a more detailed response of why this will not be added to the official version.
  • asdf123
    10th Nov 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I would use jacob's mod but the saves are @#$@# 

    thanks btw