Icon and .exe?

  • GAPDaTsar
    2nd Sep 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    How does TPT get turned into a .exe file and how do you set a picture/icon for the .exe file?

  • bowserinator
    2nd Sep 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    In the souce there is a folder somewhere with the src and builds and other folders, inside there there is a .ico ile that looks like the TPT logo. Then to change it make a 16x16 (and a 32x32 I think) png file repersenting your new icon and google png to ico and there is a website, upload yours (You can't just rename the png, won't work) 

    and it will email you back your ico, then just change your icons to the name of the icons there. 

  • jacob1
    2nd Sep 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    The icons (in .png format) are actually in the old repo here: https://github.com/simtr/The-Powder-Toy/tree/legacy/src/Resources/icon

    The .exe is created from compiling the source I guess ...