Maybe someone will think of some practical uses for GRVT, but it really wasn't intended to have any :P. You can set the life to 0 to make it last forever. It has no reactions.
this. if it lasts forever it could be interesting, where as GBMB by nature freezes, creates a suction, then dies
I found one "practical" use for it:
us it as a stickman and enjoy the fun movement.... but other than that:
Still researching.
I experimented a little bit and found out, that it might be possible to do a tractor-beam with it, any electronic geniuses up for that? also, it has similar abilities to Protons, so it can definitely serve as a laser.
I just tested the Graviton Laser and it works pretty well against a thick wall of quartz.
it also lets the molten material hover in front of the impact point, so thats nice as well.
Wow, "tractor-beam" is really possible and very easy to make (No electronic genius required)
Maybe an energy ball that will absorbe nearby energy and BLAST THEM OUT >:D
Pretty possible yes.
I thought about the Deathstar from Ogame which is said to have a Graviton-Cannon as its primary armament, maybe something like that is also possible.
and about the tractor beam.... we already discuss it in this thread of mine, so I guess that topic is dead here ^^