I am making a gun using TTAN as barrel and GPMP. If the GPMP is ON, it will creating a gravity field. Surround it has TTAN barrel and this field will be out of the barrel. I want to be just inside. Why its happening? Do you know any element that can keep the field just inside, and if not, can you please fix it or add an element that can do it please?
If you are using GPMP to shot the ammo I suggest you to use FRAY heat it up and when you spark it it will shot every movable particle near it to a very far away
High temperature = far destance
Use FRAY, use like aray but be sure the element you are shooting is in front (Or spark with INST if there is a distance) and the FRAY is hot enough.
TTAN blocks pressure, not gravity.
i agree with jacob FRAY is what i would use
Hay I am the one who suggested that before him :D
Railguns and coilguns use magnetic fields,not gravity.