Is there a console command for...

  • Lightspeeed
    9th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Is there a console command for setting the decoration color of a type of particle? I'm designing a city based off the Nexus Union by Imperatus, and I want to set the color of all glass particles in the game like this:

    !set deco glas 188 196 228 255, or with a command similar to that, but I don't know if there is one or how to use it. Can somebody tell me if there's something like this, and if not could the developers consider adding such a command?

  • Schneumer
    9th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @Lightspeeed (View Post)

     Is it that hard to put it in the deco menu? Just drag around.

    Edited once by Schneumer. Last: 9th Feb 2014
  • BigPig
    9th Feb 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    !set dcolour glas #ffa0f032

  • jacob1
    9th Feb 2014 Developer 1 Permalink
    Or you could do it with lua :P

    for i in do if[i].type == tpt.element("GLAS") then[i].dcolor = 0xFFBCC4E4 end end

    technical info:
    Since you are only using this command once, I used slower but easier to read commands here, there is also tpt.get_property("type", i) to get the type of particle i, and you could also use 45 instead of tpt.element("GLAS").[] is rarely used because it's so slow, but I like it.
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 9th Feb 2014
  • Lightspeeed
    9th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @Schneuemer Actually, it's hundreds of pixels scattered across a city. Painting over everything isn't an option.

    @BigPig Thanks, I'll use that later.

    @jacob1 Thanks, that's way too complicated for me but it works anyways.

  • jacob1
    9th Feb 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Lightspeeed (View Post)
    I actually did it in lua because I forgot / didn't know you could set deco with the old commands, lol.
  • boxmein
    9th Feb 2014 Former Staff 1 Permalink
    @jacob1 (View Post)
    Why do you bother with looping over everything? :D
    tpt.set_property("dcolour", 0xffbcc4e4, "GLAS")
    Edited 2 times by boxmein. Last: 9th Feb 2014