Antimatter in the proton collision chain

  • funky3000
    17th Nov 2013 Member 8 Permalink

    Currently the chain goes like this




    In my personal opinion going to something destructive is a good idea, but I think SING is too destructive to be the next in line. I feel the line would be a little better like this:




    Antimatter is made in the LHC when colliding protons, so at least being able to create it makes sense.


    Also, antimatter is still a destructive element, but not as insane as SING. I also feel that SING should be made at even higher speeds, while AMTR takes the place of SING.


    Just my own thoughts. It would also be a way to actually make antimatter now.


    But, I'm one voice of many, feel free to discuss what you think.

  • Catelite
    17th Nov 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Sing being involved in -any- reactions In-game has been an awkward topic for a while, since it's up in the tier of "affects everything / nothing affects it" rather than "affects some things/is affected by some things"

    I can only guess it's not an issue because of being somewhat difficult to produce by accident, but I've not actually tried it yet @.@
  • tmo97
    22nd Nov 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • jacob1
    22nd Nov 2013 Developer 3 Permalink
    I might do this, since SING is being created still too early. I guess I underestimated how fast PROT can possibly go ...
  • Tellet
    23rd Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    I completely agree, SING should be "obtainable" only in the longest, upgraded (acel's life) proton accelerators- like "Ow Godz It ate half of my lazor, wut happened?!" would be rarer. AMTR would also be better, cause as Catelite said, it can be affected by other elements, like void that can eat it, thus stopping further destruction. Whats funny is that protons create all the stuff when they are reflected @ 180*, or at least I have noticed only that angle... Just like in my laser- it can burn through eveything, yet it can be killed by a INSL or DMND block put in front of it:
    Edited 2 times by Tellet. Last: 23rd Nov 2013