powder.pref Problems?

  • dom2mom
    16th Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Ok, I know this sounds really nooby... but I'm having a bit of trouble with my powder.pref and stamps folder.


    When I open powder toy for the first time, as per norm, everything is at defaults. If I, let's say, change the screen mode, login, and make a stamp, the powder.pref file and stamp folder are created as per norm.


    However, if I open powder toy again (And yes, my powder toy IS in the same folder as my powder.pref and stamps) my settings are not saved, my login is not saved, and my stamps are not loaded. (I looked in the stamps folder, and they ARE there, so that's not the problem).


    I've tried this multiple times, deleting the stamps and powder.pref, and even re-downloading powder toy but the problem persists. I am however running the new OSX Mavericks operating system (not by my choice, I preferred Mountain Lion), and I didn't have this problem with Mountain Lion...


    Is this problem related to the new OSX operating system? And if so, is there a known software update for whatever this causes? Thank you for the help.

  • jacob1
    16th Nov 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    Yes, it is OSX mavericks, and it's a known issue. I don't know what apple did, but they broke something.

    The next version will likely fix this and other mac problems that haven't been reported but Simon has been noticing. Every once in a while he will find some new bug. I think he said he was writing a new build system too where the mac version will actually be compiled on a mac, probably making it more stable in general (and allow us to fix things like the fullscreen crash, this, something with vsync, etc.)
  • dom2mom
    16th Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     Ok then, thank you for the info!

  • cccp3
    18th Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    This post has been removed by jacksonmj: don't request a lock on someone else's thread, see http://tpt.io/.6759 number 11