Stamp Problem

  • TacoBellMotell
    13th Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Well, there was a new update and I decided not to update it automaticly from the game, in doing so it has deleted all my stamps I used for entertainment but not only just that I had a whole place saved on one that I was working on, it was too deleted.

    I hoped this was just a glitch so I logged out and back in and they are still gone. Is there anyway for me to get stamps back or are mine just gone forever?! Is there any way to fix this? And can it PLEASE be fixed in the future?

  • mniip
    13th Nov 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    did you download TPT to the same location it was before?
  • TacoBellMotell
    14th Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @mniip (View Post)

     I'm certain I did.

  • jacob1
    14th Nov 2013 Developer 2 Permalink
    Try hitting the rescan button in the save browser. Maybe your stamps.def got corrupted. If they still don't come back ... search out your stamps/ folder and make sure you are running tpt directly from the folder above. Something must be going on where it isn't being run from the right directory in that case.

    Also, are you by any chance using OSX Mavericks? It doesn't look like it, but if you were tpt can't load any stamps / settings for now.
  • TacoBellMotell
    15th Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     I will try and search out the stamp file, but for now i'll hit rescan and see if that works... This little thing should have been reported and fixed so it couldn't happen in the first place. Thank you for your help guys.